Name: Rogue
Title: Actor, Model, Combatant, CosplayerGeek Girl Northern Belle, Toronto Rogue
AKA: Northern Belle, Toronto Rogue
Location: Ontario, Canada
Sites: facebook | Tumblr | Model Mayhem | Youtube | Twitter

Interests: Theatre, Shakespeare, Weaponry, Stage Combat, Marvel Comics, Rogue & Gambit, Nature, Witchcraft, Traveling, Sailing, History, Mythology, Animals, Movies, Costuming, Musicals, TV; Game of Thrones (although I wont read the books until the TV show is finished!)

Tell us about yourself: My name is Rogue, yes, actually. I graduated from University of Toronto with an HBA specializing in theatre and a minor in English. I also studied stage combat for several years at Rapier Wit fight studio. Currently studying to be an American Sign Language - English interpreter. I am also a certified First Mate on eleven different ships of Toronto's harbor. In addition to this I act, model, and love to cosplay whenever I get the chance!

Have you always been a geek?: I've always been very passionate about what I like, sometimes bordering on obsessive.

Geekiest thing about you: I mean - the name's a start, and the fact that I've kept my hair dyed 'Rogue' style the past three years doesn't hurt either. Besides its not like all my jackets have 'X' patches on them or anything... Oh wait...

Games Top 5
Zelda Ocarina of Time
Injustice Gods Among Us
Kingdom Hearts
Super Smash Bros
Prince of Persia: Rival Swords

Movies Top 5
Disney's Beauty and the Beast
Moulin Rouge
Ever After

Books Top 5
Complete Works of William Shakespeare
Rogue: Forget-Me-Not
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Vampire Chronicles

TV Top 5
Game of Thrones
X-Men Original Animated Series (90's)
Stargate SG-1
The Tudors



Exp: 242 - Level: 49