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Rogue Steam Spectre Cosplay

Rogue Steam Spectre Cosplay


Geek Girl Northern Belle looks absolutely classic & lovely in her own version of Sally Jupiter, here's what she said about it...

"With this concept I wanted a Steam Punk Sally Jupiter feel - of course a little Rogue twist.

I think Sally Jupiter and Rogue have a lot in common particularly in their origins as both are both runaways. When it comes to relationships they both have an inability to get close to people, and generally feel closest to the people they shouldn't. Furthermore both tend to use their womanly wiles to help get what they want. With one shot in particular I wanted to explore the idea of the Comedian's death in Jupiter's mind. Imagine if you were in a tall glass building across the street, watching the man you love die, powerless to stop it... "It rains on the just and unjust alike. The Comedian was a little bit of both." -Sally Jupiter

So I hope you enjoy my new hybrid concept! It was born out of happy circumstance and if it were not for the lovely Plafulkatt as my fairy godmother would not have been possible. Photography thanks to the Norm Cheung Photography Club."

Rogue Steam Spectre

Rogue Steam Spectre

Rogue Steam Spectre

Rogue Steam Spectre

Rogue Steam Spectre

Rogue Steam Spectre

Rogue Steam Spectre

Rogue Steam Spectre

Rogue Steam Spectre

Rogue Steam Spectre

Rogue Steam Spectre

Geek Girl: Northern Belle - facebook

Photographer: Norm Cheung Photography Club

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March 29 2014

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