Name: Jessie
Title: Cosplayer/ModelGeek Girl Mistress Jessie
AKA: Mistress Jessie
Location: Missouri, USA
Sites: facebook

Interests: [See Below]

Tell us about yourself: My name is Jessie and I am a proud geek! I have been a geek since I was a tween, but just started cosplaying in 2012. My first cosplay was Kahlan Amnell from Sword of Truth/Legend of the Seeker, and I ran a fan table at the Chicago Wizard world that year for the series! I am now loosing count of all my costumes, and I love it! I am lucky to live in Saint Louis, MO where many cons, big and small, come to us or near us. I also feel blessed to have made so many great friends through cosplay, comic cons, and other geeky adventures!

I created my Mistress Jessie page to spread my love of all things geek and to connect with other geeks! I am having fun sharing my costumes, seeing what others are up to, and spreading the geek love! I choose “Mistress Jessie” because in Sword of Truth/Legend of the Seeker, the Confessors and Mord’Sith are called “mistress”. Since that is my favorite book series and show, I thought it would be appropriate and fun. I absolutely love the show and the books and have done all of Kahlan’s costumes, the Mord’Sith, and am working on a Sister of the Dark. Some say I am a wee bit obsessed ;) !

I also really enjoy books and writing fan fiction! The geek community has so much to do and ways to express your creativity; it amazes me all the time! I am proud and excited to be a part of this community!

Have you always been a geek?: Yes! My favorite movie, The Mummy, started it all! I was 12 when the movie came out and it was my first fandom! I remember dressing up as all the characters and studying the movie backwards and forwards. My parents say I always liked putting costumes together and wrote stories involving fantasy elements. It seems nothing has changed, and I would not have it any other way!

Geekiest thing about you?: My love of costumes and books! I am pretty sure if I could wear a costume every day I would! My book collection is getting a little out of control… I had to buy a kindle because my one bedroom apartment would not be able to handle it all!

Games Top 5
Wii games

Movies Top 5
The Mummy
How to Train Your Dragon
Hunger Games
Old school Disney movies!

Books Top 5
Sword of Truth Series
The Mortal Instruments Series 2
Cleopatra’s Daughter
Gabriel’s Inferno Series
The Hunger Games

TV Top 5
Legend of the Seeker
I Dream of Jeannie
Once Upon a Time
Monster High
Buffy the Vampire Slayer



Exp: 35 - Level: 08