Cosplayers at Fan Expo 2015
Article/photos by: Geek Girl Wandering Dana
Wandering Dana here, reporting on this year's Fan Expo Canada, which was an absolute blast! I always have tons of fun, but this year for me seemed even more epic!
The crowd control and flow was greatly improved from previous years. I never saw any lines to get in and there were a lot less traffic jams on the floor near the escalators and such. Of course the crowds were insane, just as they always are, after all this is Canada's largest convention which covers all genres including comics, sci-fi, horror, anime & gaming and had over 127,000 attendees last year. And they finally put up "Cosplay Is Not Consent" signs which is greatly appreciated by the cosplay community.
So this year I opted to just take random shots as opposed to doing any planned professional photoshoots with cosplayers like I usually do so that I could experience the most of the con and have time to attend many events. There was so much to do and see, we will have lots more Fan Expo coverage coming at you over the next few days. I'll have a celebrity wrap up and photo/video post coming up soon. Also our photographer Geek Girls
Ailes Noires and
Jenn Marvel were both there doing professional photoshoots with cosplayers so there will be so much more to share with you.
For now here are just a few of my fav cosplay shots that I took with some of the amazing and diverse cosplayers at Fan Expo this year! Everyone was so nice and accommodating to let me take their photo and fawn over their wonderfully creative costumes! Thank you so much everyone I met for sharing your awesome geekiness with the world! We will be uploading TONS more photos to an album on the
Geek Girls facebook page soon, so be sure to follow it for updates!
Lady Violet Designs, Cece Cosplay & Art by Lee Howard
Chocobo Chick Cosplays
Geek Girl Northern Belle Rogue
Sedazarah Cosplay
Geek Girl Shelle-chii
Geek Girl Shelle-chii & Bec's Cosplay Wonderland
Reckless Abandon Cosplay
Bleeding Fingers Cosplay
@cperge of Cosplay sisters
Don't Panic Cosplay
Geek Girls Northern Belle Rogue & Scarlett Quinn
Peekaboo Cosplay as Immortan Jane
@beinglolastar as The Dag | Peekaboo Cosplay as Immortan Jane | Melodic Memories Cosplay as Capable
Ontario DCU | DizzyxLizzie Cosplay as Penguin
Fan Expo Canada Website - facebook - twitter @FanExpoCanada
Photographer: Geek Girl
Wandering Dana -
If you are in this post, but we didn't get your name/link and you'd like it to be added, please
email us with your info and we'll add it asap. Also anyone please feel free to send us your Fan Expo photos and we'll add them to our facebook album (be sure to add any photographer/cosplayer credits). Thanks!
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September 07 2015