Amazing Transformers Gear at

Supergirl Cosplay


Uncanny Megan looks amazing cosplaying as Supergirl...

Supergirl Cosplay

March 15 2017

Disney Princesses as Villains Fan Art


Cartoon Cosplay takes characters and mashes them up with other characters/animals and things! This awesome "Bad Princess" series featured Disney Princesses drawn as villains! There's Ariel as Harley Quinn, Elsa as Poison Ivy, Jasmine as Mystique and Snow White as Chun-Li...

Disney Princesses as Villains Fan Art

March 15 2017

Star Wars Sith Cosplay


Lily Hunter Cosplay looks badass cosplaying as her veriosn of a Sith from Star Wars...

"Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free. -Sith Code"

Star Wars Sith Cosplay

March 15 2017

Aya Drevis from Mad Father Cosplay


Morgan Elise looks lovely cosplaying as Aya Drevis from Mad Father...

Aya Drevis from Mad Father Cosplay

March 14 2017

8 More Geeky Ways to Stay in Shape


Article by: Geek Girl Mistress Zelda

Word on the street is that geeks are sexier than ever, and the whole world is starting to realize it. If you want to get healthy while still letting your geek flag fly, I previously gave you 6 cool ways to do so. Turns out there are a ton of options out there, so here are 8 more awesomely geeky opportunities!

1. Zombie Paintball

Zombie Runs aren’t the only game in town! Anyone who has played paintball before knows what a good workout it is – the combination of running, shooting, ducking, dodging and hiding gives you a great, well-rounded cardio workout. But did you know you can play paintball while also having some totally badass nerd wish-fulfillment? None of us really want the zombie apocalypse to occur, but most of us have wondered how well we’d do on the off-chance it did. Zombie paintball gives you the opportunity to see if your sharpshooting skills and stamina are up to snuff, all while being (mostly) harmless to yourself and others.

There are several zombie paintball locations around the US and abroad – some year round and some only during the Halloween holiday. Don’t be fooled by the ones that drive you around on a tram and let you shoot zombies – no work-out there!

8 More Geeky Ways to Stay in Shape

March 14 2017

Genderbent Tensay from Far Cry Cosplay


Jule Juvenillia looks amazing cosplaying as Tensay from Far Cry! Here's what she had to say...

"It is a genderbend version of the crazy shaman from Far Cry Primal and it is the first cosplay I made all by myself. Therfore I'm totally proud and I'm more proud that I had this photo shooting near my home the wonderful Harz in Saxony-Anhalt and with this little puppie! The dog owner was also my photographer Madeleine Sixtus from Sixess Photography."

Genderbent Tensay from Far Cry Cosplay

March 14 2017

Geek Girls at Toronto Comicon 2017


Some of the Geek Girl are attending Toronto Comicon this weekend, March 17-19th. Here's who they'll be cosplaying as and where they'll be hanging out if you want to say hi...

Geek Girls at Toronto Comicon 2017

March 14 2017

Eleven from Stranger Things Cosplay


Mary from Mary & Feinobi cosplay looks amazing cosplaying as Eleven from Stranger Things...

Eleven from Stranger Things Cosplay

March 13 2017

Batman Lingerie Photoshoot


Ms Kelly Mari looks gorgeous modelling her Batman lingerie in this boudoir shoot! Here's what she had to say...

"I got this gorgeous Batman Lingerie set and the Batwoman bikini from Scifeyecandy for Christmas last year and couldn't wait to do a photoshoot in it! I ended up shooting at my own place since my bedroom is primarily Batman themed, therefore it made the perfect set for shooting! Enjoy the photos!"

Batman Lingerie Photoshoot

March 13 2017

Moogle Cosplay


Deadly Nightshade looks lovely cosplaying as a Moogle from Final Fantasy...

Moogle Cosplay

March 13 2017

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