Amazing Transformers Gear at

Sailor Uranus & Neptune Underwater Cosplay


Static Cosplay and Fairie Tails look incredible as Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune from Sailor Moon in this amazing underwater photoshoot! Here's what they had to say...

"These costumes were made in December 2016 for an underwater shoot with Brett Stanley/The Underwater Photographer during one of his open shoots. We've been planning to do these costumes together for so long, but things finally fell into place! Modelling underwater is a lot harder than I thought, but we're super happy with the images and how we managed to portray the characters."

Sailor Uranus & Neptune Underwater Cosplay

March 19 2017

Valkyrie Cosplay


Brunnhildar Art and Cosplay looks amazing cosplaying as Marvel's Valkyrie! The design is based on art by Zach Fisher Illustration! Here's a little bit more about her...

"I am Brunnhildar Art and Cosplay from Greece and I love creating armor, drawing, painting and sewing. I am aso a huge Warcraft fan I and I would love to make more costumes based on the game. My biggest goal is to create more armors and sew more complicated stuff. Also I love LOTR stuff."

Vakyrie Cosplay

March 19 2017

20 Unforgettable Quotes from Fictional Lady Bosses


Did you know that women make up 47% of the workforce and that 39% of managers in 2015 were women? However, only 4% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women and there is still a 21% wage gap. Compared to past decades, women are making progress in leadership roles, but it’s not always easy.

These talented female leaders have gotten where they are today by hard work, persistence, and intelligence. And though we’d like to see more lady bosses running companies, in recent years it has been encouraging to see leading ladies step up to support each other and offer insight into the challenges they’ve faced and their paths to success.

The prevalence of strong women isn’t just increasing in the office, it’s also increasing in Hollywood. From 2014 to 2015, there was an 6% increase in female leads in the top grossing movies. These leading ladies are inspiring in their own right, as they remind us to be strong, brave, and innovative.

On screen, female leaders display themselves in a variety of different ways. Some, like Miranda Priestly of The Devil Wears Prada, are icy while others, like Leslie Knope of Parks and Rec, are quirky and compassionate. Though some of these leadership styles work better than others, all these women show strength and confidence that many of us aspire to.

In honor of Women’s History Month, GetVoIP created this visual on unforgettable quotes from our favorite fictional lady bosses.

20 Unforgettable Quotes from Fictional Lady Bosses

March 18 2017

Cosplay Song Music Video


Santana Cosplay made this wonderful song about cosplay! Her album will be available on iTunes as well as physical copy purchases in her Storenvy! Here's a few words from her...

"I wanted to share the release of my music video with you guys today. ^_^ I wrote this song about cosplay, about empowering yourself to be what you want to be. You cosplay for you, not anyone else, who may think you might not have the right “body type” to cosplay as a particular character. It’s about being FIERCE and having fun! I hope this song will be inspiring for people!"

March 18 2017

Classic Harley Quinn Cosplay


Geek Girl Evie E looks adorable cosplaying as the one and only Harley Quinn! Here's what she had to say...

"Classic Harley! I grew up watching the Batman Animated Series, and most of my memories of the show from that time are of Harley, I loved her so much and am so happy to have finally gotten to cosplay her! Shelle-chii did a great job on the Hammer too!"

Classic Harley Quinn Cosplay

March 18 2017

Ragyo from Kill la Kill Cosplay


Ferasha Cosplay looks incredible cosplaying as Ragyo from Kill la Kill! Here's what she had to say...

"I have quite a few bones to pick with "Kill la Kill" as a show. Unlike "Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann", its "spiritual predecessor" which is one of my favorite anime series of all times, "Kill la Kill" left me utterly disappointed. It's a sad example of what happens when a group of smart, capable people make a deliberate decision to create a silly, superficial, stupid series. I didn't even find it funny, but loud, obnoxious and genuinely annoying. I finished it only because a friend made me, and hated the main characters to the point of wishing them painful, humiliating deaths.

I did, however, genuinely like Ragyo. I fell for her for three reasons. One: she's my favorite character archetype of a white-haired villain with world domination plans, only, for once, gender-flipped. Two: given my utter dislike for the main characters, I found myself actively rooting for her, wishing her all the best in her attempts to annihilate humanity. And, most importantly, three: she's a 30-something woman with a prominent role and iconic, memorable character design. And that's incredibly rare in the anime world, given that the average age of an anime heroine is 15 - all that mature women get are supporting roles of plain-looking mothers destined to die by episode 3 so that the main characters can have their reasons to brood.

So hooray for Ragyo: business woman, queen of the red carpet, fashionista, world conqueror and mother of the year. Of course I had to do a cosplay of her."

Ragyo from Kill la Kill Cosplay

March 17 2017

Love Mythos: Sanctuary Island Visual Novel and Puzzle Game


Cosplayer Alanaleilani shared with us that she is releasing a video game! Here's more about it, followed by the game trailer and art from the game...

Love Mythos: Sanctuary Island, an independently developed Visual Novel and Puzzle Game, is meant to scratch any romantic itch you might have. Well, as long as that itch involves incredibly attractive mythological creatures from all over the world. Featuring a dynamic cast of love interests, or varying races, sizes and personalities, Love Mythos wants everyone to be able to find someone in the game who remind them of themselves.

You’re straight? We have something for ya.

Gay or lesbian? We got yo hook up.

Asexual and just wanna make friends? BAMMO

Poly and looking for equal partners? I got you fam.

Do you want deep and engaging characters with real world issues, reactions and personalities? Hold onto yo hats, suckas!

Do you want realistic sex scenes that involve a broad range of kinks and two (or more) enthusiastic parties??? WELL BOY HOWDEE, TAKE A SEAT.

Welcome to an island with Centaurs, Satyrs, Naga and the like.

It would mean the world to us if you would support us on our kickstarter, or vote yes for our project on Steam Greenlight! We appreciate all of you helping us to make our dreams come true.

March 17 2017

X-23 Cosplay


Tiny Tigress Cosplay looks badass cosplaying as X-23...

X-23 Cosplay

March 17 2017

Playboy Bunny Mercy from Overwatch Cosplay


Ruffin Cosplay looks gorgeous as her Playboy Bunny version of Mercy from Overwatch... ♥

Playboy Bunny Mercy from Overwatch Cosplay

March 17 2017

Petition to Bring the Old Republic Era of Star Wars to Netflix


This petition to Bring the Old Republic era of Star Wars to Netflix has over 180,000 signature and couting! Help them reach their goal of 200,000 by signing!

Petition to Bring The Old Republic Era of Star Wars to Netflix

March 17 2017

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