Amazing Transformers Gear at

The Wicked + The Divine Cosplay


Geek Girl Northern Belle Rogue and Das Pixie Modelling look stunning cosplaying as Morrigan and Lucifer from The Wicked + The Divine! Here's what Rogue had to say about the shoot...

"This particular set was shot in June of 2018 and inspired by The Wicked and The Divine, specifically the characters of Lucifer and Morrigan. I am so grateful to ArtistiCurves for shooting this look with Das Pixie Modelling and me. We really enjoyed playing with the duality from the black and white costumes/contacts to the dark stone and pale spring flowers. Exploring the dichotomy even between feminine and masculine types of dress. I'd love to do more work with duality in the future, perhaps as a huge X-Men fan there is a White Queen/Red Queen shoot in my future. 😉"

 The Wicked and The Divine Cosplay

May 23 2019

Link in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Comic


LOL! Jacob Andrews of For Lack of a Better Comic pretty much sums up my play style for Link in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

"Link please take this seriously..."

Link in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Comic

May 23 2019

Umaru from Himouto! Umaru-chan Cosplay


Lady Integra from Cosplay-group Cosmo looks adorable cosplaying as Umaru from Himouto! Umaru-chan... ♥

Umaru from Himouto! Umaru-chan Cosplay

May 23 2019

New 52 Supergirl Cosplay


Florencia Sofen Cosplay looks super badass cosplaying as a battle worn version of New 52 Supergirl...

New 52 Supergirl Cosplay

May 23 2019

High-Res Map of Westeros from Game of Thrones


Cartography enthusiast Julio Lacerda - Paleoarte created this detailed high-resolution map of Westeros from Game of Thrones and it looks like Ireland and the UK combined! Here's what they had to say about the process (can you can read more on Bored Panda)...

"Ive always loved geography and cartography, and for the past year, Ive been creating some fantasy maps of my own. With season 8 airing, I felt inspired to try my hand at replicating this iconic map in a somewhat realistic way (as if it was seen from space), since most reconstructions of the maps in Game of Thrones go for either a simplified or traditional, vintage look. Fortunately, the map of Westeros is fairly well-documented. I cross-referenced several different sources, with special attention to the official The Lands of Ice and Fire maps. It took me around two days to create it; At first, I did the outline of the landmass, I then created a height map to represent the different altitudes and ran it through an erosion simulator, which gives the terrain this realistic look. Then I textured the image with the help of some aerial photographs from NASA and rendered it in a 3D software which interpreted the height map I created to replicate lights and shadows. The final step was to add all the graphics and text.

[Click the image for a larger view...]

High-Res Map of Westeros from Game of Thrones

May 23 2019

Steampunk Alice Cosplay


LyanaCosplay looks wonderful cosplaying as her Steampunk Alice: Madness Returns cosplay. Here's what she had to say...

"This is my Steampunk Version from Alice from the Xbox 360 Game Alice: Madness Returns. It's one of my most favourite games and I love Alice as a character ❤"

Steampunk Alice Cosplay

May 23 2019

Sansa Stark from Game of Thrones Cosplay


Miss Kitty's Cosplay looks incredible cosplaying as Sansa Stark from Game of Thrones and here's what she had to say...

"This cosplay was a labor of love for me. I took on the project knowing how much work it would take but I love Sansa and her costumes. Her character development has been a long evolution but all along the way her outfits have been a large part of her story. They are filled with symbolism and to make it even more special, her character is known for her needlework and makes a lot of her own garments. She is able to express herself very openly through what she's wearing and that is unique quality.
Throughout the series you can look at her wardrobe and see her changing from a young girl to a grown woman who has been through one tragedy after the next. She sends very direct messages with her costumes and her dress in season 7 is no different.
This outfit shows her strength. It goes back to the dark colors of Winterfell/the North and is supposed to represent a sense of protection. She has the fur cloak similar to the one her father wore and a new version of her ring necklace, that symbolises her pride of her new identity and has a needle on it that represents her skills with needlework and also a weapon of her own. The belt that she wears is made of thick leather and straps across her like armor. The way that it is wraps around her makes it very difficult to get off and almost impossible to even touch her. That is a direct message for Littlefinger and anyone else that would want to do her harm. She is no longer a naive child or victim, but a powerful character who is ready to be a leader and let her warrior heart show.
This particular outfit really resonates with me because of all the symbolism that shows her entire story. I feel a personal connection with Sansa and creating this cosplay was a great way for me to express myself, as I too enjoy needlework and symbolism.
I spent months working on this cosplay and I don't think I could be any happier with it. I had to make my own dress pattern and I embroidered each panel of it. The bodice of the dress is embroidered with wool and raven feathers. I really enjoyed working on all the details of this outfit and now I plan on creating another Sansa cosplay in the future."

Sansa Stark from Game of Thrones Cosplay

May 23 2019

Star Wars LEGO Star Destroyer


Check out this epic 25,000 piece custom LEGO Star Destroyer ship from Star Wars...

Star Wars LEGO Star Destroyer

May 22 2019

Wonder Woman from Injustice: Gods Among Us Cosplay


Francine Caroline Cosplay looks badass cosplaying as Wonder Woman from Injustice: Gods Among Us...

Wonder Woman from Injustice: Gods Among Us Cosplay

May 22 2019

Raven Bathing Suit Cosplay


Geek Girl Lossien looks wonderful as her bathing suit version of Raven from Teen Titans! Here's what she had to say...

"When the weather's hot, there's nothing quite like making bathing suits for characters! For YetiCon 2018, PureLight Cosplay asked me if I wanted to make a swimsuit Raven from Teen Titans to match her Starfire - how could I resist cosplaying best friends with my best friend? I made the costume in about an hour and a half, and it can actually be used for swimming, too!"

Raven Bathing Suit Cosplay

May 22 2019

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