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Irisviel Von Einzbern Cosplay

Irisviel Von Einzbern Cosplay


The beautiful cosplayer Riri sent us these lovely Irisviel Von Einzbern cosplay photos! She looks very cute in her Fate/Zero costume. Here's what she had to say about herself and the costume...

"This is the first cosplay I have made entirely from scratch (except for the boots, I ran out of time!). I have been cosplaying since 2007 and started to focus on prop making around 2010, and finally decided I wanted to make costumes more tailored to fit my body type and my petite frame (I am 4'8! Can you tell??). I watch a lot anime and I came across Fate/Zero and thought how fun it would be to make a fuzzy coat and a Russian hat! I entered my first cosplay contest in 2013 at Sakura Con and though I didn't win anything, it was an amazing experience to show everyone what I've done. I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoyed cosplaying as Irisviel von Einzbern!"

Irisviel Von Einzbern Cosplay

Irisviel Von Einzbern Cosplay

Irisviel Von Einzbern Cosplay

Irisviel Von Einzbern Cosplay

Irisviel Von Einzbern Cosplay

Irisviel Von Einzbern Cosplay

Irisviel Von Einzbern Cosplay

Model: Riri

Photographer: Riamux Creations

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July 08 2013

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