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Marvel Superhero Inspired Makeup

Marvel Superhero Inspired Makeup


Makeup artist Sammy Carpenter sent us these stunning Marvel Superhero inspired beauty makeup looks they created! Here's what she said about the series so far...

"Myself and my friend Matt Leach came up with an idea to combine our love for Marvel and Beauty Photography and here is the result. We have so far covered Iron Man, Captain America and The Hulk and will be doing more in the future, firstly finishing off the Avengers set and then moving on to do some DC characters possibly, so this is just the start."

Marvel Superhero Inspired Beauty Makeup

Marvel Superhero Inspired Beauty Makeup

Marvel Superhero Inspired Beauty Makeup

Model: Georgina Louise Hayes, Holly Phillips & Yasmin Lloyd

Makeup Artists: Sammy Carpenter & Rebecca Phillips

Photographer: Matt Leach

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January 02 2016

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