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Angel Panty Cosplay

Angel Panty Cosplay


The lovely Uncanny Megan looks heavenly in her Panty cosplay from Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt. She does a great job portraying the character in her handmade costume. Here's what she has to say about the cosplay and her experience wearing it...

"The costume was completely hand made in preparation for the MechaCon Anime Convention of this year. I spent months and months on construction to make sure that it would be the absolute best. Although when the series first came out and was stuck between Panty or Stocking, I ended up leaning more towards Panty in the end. (And I'm really glad I did!) I love everything about her from her looks to her personality to her sense of humor. It was a bit of a change for me to cosplay such a... risque character. When doing this shoot I was told I needed to throw away the cute, haha. I enjoy every minute in this costume because everything about it is just so fun. I also felt extremely confident about myself while portraying her. I don't plan on retiring this costume for a long time, if ever and I've already started working on her variant outfits so I can enjoy myself even more! I feel like I really did her character justice, I hope you guys think so too."

Angel Panty Cosplay

Angel Panty Cosplay

Angel Panty Cosplay

Angel Panty Cosplay

Angel Panty Cosplay

Model: Uncanny Megan

Photographer: Ryan Bourque Photography

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October 19 2012

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