Koopa Shell Hat Photoshoot

Koopa Shell Hat Photoshoot


Geek Girl Zelda looks cute & sexy in this nude photoshoot showcasing her blue Koopa Shell hat from Mario Kart! :D It also shows off her awesome geeky tattoos so double bonus! Here's what she had to say...

"This hat was made kind of purely out of impulse. I had the inside of a helmet that had the right shape for a koopa shell, and I had the exact number of spikes from a crappy rubber Halloween bracelet. I made the rim out of insulation and painted the whole thing in tooldip to make it more sturdy, then painted and attached it. It was sitting around waiting for photos for awhile, but I didn't have anything to wear it with. I have been a nude model for 6 years now, so not having anything to wear isn't really a problem, haha. I decided to bring some bananas to add to the Mario Kart element at least and had a lot of fun just playing around with it. The photos were shot by J S Edmonds, one of my favorite photographers to work with ever! We shot them more as product headshot style photos, as if we were selling jewelry or accessories, which made for a different feel than a lot of my photos."

Koopa Shell Hat Photoshoot

Koopa Shell Hat Photoshoot

Koopa Shell Hat Photoshoot

Koopa Shell Hat Photoshoot

Koopa Shell Hat Photoshoot

Koopa Shell Hat Photoshoot

Geek Girl: Zelda - facebook

Photographer: J S Edmonds

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November 01 2014

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