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Mad Moxxi Cosplay

Mad Moxxi Cosplay


Cosplayer Enasni Volz looks phenomenal as Mad Moxxi in these photos from Megacon by PhotosNXS! Here's what she said about her cosplay...

"This is my cosplay of Mad Moxxi from Borderlands 2. I've got three different Moxxi outfits now, but purple is definitely my favorite one to wear! I'm a huge borderlands fan and adore Moxxi's back story and character, so I tend to cosplay her to most conventions I attend. I made my costume from scratch, and most of the details (swirls, stripes, buttons, trim and more) are hand painted. I also styled the wig and do my own makeup. The heart on my sleeve represents geeklurv, which is a fantastic little site that sponsors me to attend cons from time to time!"

Mad Moxxi Cosplay

Mad Moxxi Cosplay

Mad Moxxi Cosplay

Mad Moxxi Cosplay

Mad Moxxi Cosplay

Model: Enasni Volz - deviantart

Photographer: PhotosNXS - website

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May 21 2014

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