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Mey-Rin Black Butler Cosplay

Mey-Rin Black Butler Cosplay


Photographer Daemon Donigan of Donigan Artworks sent us these awesome Mey-Rin from Black Butler photos...

"The clumsy Mey-Rin trips constantly, knocks things over in the manor, and breaks many of them. Sebastian would say her idiocy is the problem, not poor eyesight. However when she takes off her glasses and picks up a gun, Mey-Rin has a complete personality flip, and becomes a keen and purposeful sniper. Mey Rin is always on-target. Model Lynda Rouch is also right on target with this cosplay. In fact I'd say she's hit the bull's-eye with her look, and she's welcome to come knock my belongings over any time."

Mey-Rin Black Butler Cosplay

Mey-Rin Black Butler Cosplay

Mey-Rin Black Butler Cosplay

Mey-Rin Black Butler Cosplay

Model: Lynda Rouch

Photographer: Daemon Donigan of Donigan Artworks

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December 27 2013

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