Title: Singer/Songwriter/Designer/CosplayerGeek Girl UNIVERSEOFÁLI
Location: Universe of ÁLI
Sites: website | facebook | youtube | twitter | instagram | deviantart

Interests: Singing, Songwriting, Performing, Acting, Producing/Directing Music Videos, Making Original Universeof ÁLI and Cosplay Costumes, being connected to Nature, expressing my inner Warrior

Tell us about yourself: For me, everything is connected. Nature, music and technology combine to create a balance that I try to not only carry in my personal life but express in my own Music, Costume Design, and Cosplay. A performer my whole life. I was a Professional Clarinetist at 16, a Corporal in the Canadian Armed Forces, an Actor, a trained and professional Opera Singer with an International career ranging from opening an Olympic Venue to singing in the Great Hall of People in China (I was interviewed on TMZ LOL!), and most recently I am releasing my own Music and creating Costumes that express the balance that I believe is needed between the Natural and Scientific world. I continue to seek out challenges to overcome and believe that the answers are found both in Nature and lie within us to uncover.

Have you always been a geek?: I’ve always been passionate about what I do and that passion resonates when I meet new people and get to ‘geek out’ with them; discussing similar interests and learning new things – making time seem to stand still!

Geekiest thing about you?: I think I am now obsessed with making as many different ranging Cosplays as I can… I love learning different techniques , from armour to sewing, prop making to makeup, all to create the entirety of each and every character I take on. When people mistake me for the actor that played that role or think I embody the character, I know my job is done. With each cosplay that I take on I remember three things that are important to me. Can I reuse an already forged item into something else so I can keep my waste to a minimum, does the Character or storyline speak to me inside, and is music apart of the Character or storyline?

Games Top 5
Zelda Phantom Hourglass
Lego The Lord of The Rings

Movies Top 5
All About Eve
Out of Africa
The Fifth Element
The Lord of The Rings Trilogy

Books Top 5
I am David
The Alchemist
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Survey of Historic Costume

TV Top 5
Game of Thrones
Night Gallery
True Detective
The Carol Burnett Show



Exp: 18 - Level: 04