Name: Jessie
Title: Cosplay Butterfly
Geek Girl ButterflyAKA: Butterfly
Location: Ontario, Canada
Interests: Cosplay, drawing, painting, makeup artistry and design, reading, rock climbing, kayaking, my cat Rala, and sleeping.
Tell us about yourself: I am first and foremost an artist. I’ve been drawing and painting since I was very very young and have always loved anything that had to do with illustrated beautiful women. Anime, manga, comics, pin-up art, European fantasy erotica, you name it. I was also constantly playing dress-up and getting into character at a very young age. If I watched a movie with an inspirational character you can bet that I’d be dressed up and acting as them the second after the film was over. I would be in enthralled in my own little world that I wouldn’t respond to anyone unless they referred to me as the character I was playing. So, if you combine these two elements of my character, I believe it’s quite understandable that I’d become an avid cosplayer as I grew older. I started cosplaying when I was around 12 years old and have done so ever since. Cosplaying and attending conventions started out as a way for me to keep in contact with a long distance friend, as an excuse to travel to see each other every year. Now it has grown into a very strong passion of mine and I wish to work hard to transform this into something more than just a hobby. I’m very excited to learn more and grow as a cosplayer.
Have you always been a geek?: I’m not sure. I can tell you that I’ve always been myself and that I’ve been interested in drawing and watching beautiful animated women since I knew how to hold a pencil.
Geekiest thing about you: I would have to say that the geekiest thing about me would be my expansive collection of comics, manga, art books, and anime. Also my obsession with Barbarella!
Games Top 5
World of Warcraft
All the Pokemon games
Soul Calibur
Super Mario World
Zelda Ocarina of Time & Majora’s Mask
Movies Top 5
Interview with the Vampire
Battle Royal
Pacific Rim
Anything by Wes Anderson
Books Top 5
The Earth’s Children series
Anne Rice’s Vampire Cronicles
Battle Royal
The Demon Cycle Books
TV Top 5
Black Sails
Game of Thrones
Exp: 14 - Level: 03