Name: Amanda
Title: Cosplayer/Photographer
Geek Girl AmaleighAKA: Amaleigh
Location: Ontario, Canada
Interests: Photography, cosplay, piano, Netflix bingewatching, character creation screens in games
Tell us about yourself: I've been cosplaying for a number of years and actively doing photography for about half that time! I'm definitely a dog person(despite currently living with three cats that I'm rather allergic to!) and I'm definitely one of those people that looks at cute pet photos online. Aside from that, I'm a Ravenclaw, House Stark and my favourite animal is a wolf! Fox may be a close second! I can usually be found binging Netflix shows, tucked away in my cosplay room hunching over the sewing machine!
Have you always been a geek?: Absolutely. When I was kid, my parents would bring me with them to Star Trek conventions. I have quite a few photos of me as a kid in various Star Trek costume pieces while I sit in my stroller. Star Wars was very much my childhood thanks to my parents. George Lucas’ world was so exciting to me, I am proud to say I even had a pet named after the loveable Chewbacca when I was younger. My interests then turned to anime and slowly into the world of cosplay. Now I enjoy a nice balance of sci-fi, fantasy, anime, comic books and video games!
Geekiest thing about you: I have an entire room full of cosplay supplies from wigs to costumes to shoes. Some days it's so full I can't even really walk in there. I also somehow own somewhere around 200 pop vinyls, despite telling myself I would only collect my favourite characters!
Games Top 5
Dragon Age Origins
Assassin's Cree IV: Black Flag
Left 4 Dead
Gears of War
Tales of Symphonia
Movies Top 5
Lion King
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Beauty and the Beast
Memoirs of a Geisha
Star Wars IV: A New Hope
Books Top 5
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Percy Jackson and the Olympians
A Song of Ice and Fire
The Harry Potter Series
Angel’s Command
TV Top 5
Criminal Minds
Brooklyn 99
Exp: 397 - Level: 80