Name: Dezi Raider
Title: Nerdlesque Showgirl / ModelGeek Girl Dezi Desire
AKA: Dezi Desire
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Sites: facebook | deviantArt | Model Mayhem

Interests: Costuming, prop design, modeling/photography, burlesque/dancing, sci-fi, comics/books, graphic design, piano, and any artistic endeavor I can get my hands on and learn!

Tell us about yourself: I'm a passionate artist that is forever learning and involving myself in more. I co-produce Electric Ginger Productions and the "B/URL/ESC" nerdlesque troupe as well as perform myself, I make a lot of my own costumes and props and involve myself in many projects from dances to photoshoots. Outside of work and hobbies my passion and life revolves around my daughter Helena (Named after Helena Campbell from MirrorMask) who is growing up to be quite the amazing little geek with passions all her own. That's the basic just of the life of Dezi.

Have you always been a geek?: One of my main childhood memories is when I was around 6, my parents wouldn't let me watch Star Wars because they thought I was too young to see it, and it was the most upsetting thing for me. Then one day they came up to me and said "Dezi, we've talked it over and have decided that...we're going to let you watch Star Wars" I jumped up and down on the couch, screaming and crying with joy and excitement. I've been addicted to sci-fi ever since, and I've always adored reading.

Games Top 5
Stubbs the Zombie
The Legend of Zelda
Plants vs. Zombies
Left 4 Dead

Movies Top 5
The Fifth Element
Empire Records
Tank Girl

Books Top 5
Smoke & Mirrors
The Shadow Out of Time
The Magicians Nephew
Strangers in Paradise
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

TV Top 5
Star Trek
The Young Ones
Red Dwarf



Exp: 30 - Level: 07