Amazing Transformers Gear at

Black Canary Cosplay


Sarah looks amazing cosplaying as Black Canary in these photos shot by PAO Images...

Black Canary Cosplay

May 20 2020

Men of Middle Earth as Bad Ex-Boyfriends


Alex Arrelia tweeted this amazing thread of the men of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings series and The Hobbit as bad ex-boyfriends who ruined your life...

Men of Middle Earth as Bad Ex-Boyfriends
Men of Middle Earth as Bad Ex-Boyfriends

May 20 2020

Dark Phoenix Cosplay


Adrienne Oosterom looks amazing cosplaying as Dark Phoenix from X-Men in these self-portraits and here's what she had to say...

"This was done on my own property by myself. Due to the Covid Virus and social distancing I was not able to get a photographer in to take my photos. I have my own equipment and set up a timed exposure to get the shots. I used a bon fire and some flame sticks to create the backdrop. It was very difficult but I fell it turned out great"

Dark Phoenix Cosplay

May 20 2020

Cosplaytriots in America


Darth Bader Ginsburg this scathing twitter thread about the armed "protesters" who entered the state capitol building in Michigan and their ill-fitted Walmart tactical gear. So what do you think, are these guys cosplayers or patriots, or just cosplaytriots? lol...

Cosplaytriots in America

May 20 2020

Edelgard from Fire Emblem Cosplay


Geek Girl Amaleigh aka StarLeigh Cosplay looks fabulous cosplaying as Edelgard from Fire Emblem...

Edelgard from Fire Emblem Cosplay

May 19 2020

Jurassic Park as an Anime


Dmitry Grozov aka Ahriman (who also drew Fifth Element as an Anime) made this awesome fan art of Jurassic Park if it was an anime...

Jurassic Park as an Anime

May 19 2020

Rikku from Final Fantasy X-2 Cosplay


Termina Cosplay looks fabulous cosplaying as Rikku from Final Fantasy X-2 in these photos shot by Braesel Photo...

Rikku from Final Fantasy X-2 Cosplay

May 19 2020

Is Thor a Jedi?


LOL! Thor makes some pretty convincing points when talking to Bruce Banner, soooo... is Thor a Jedi?

Thor is a Jedi

May 19 2020

Alexstrasza from World of Warcraft Cosplay


Kinpatsu Cosplay looks epic cosplaying as Alexstrasza from World of Warcraft designed by Zach Fischer Illustration...

Alexstrasza from World of Warcraft Cosplay

May 18 2020

How Star Wars Characters Make Their Coffee


LOL! Violet Wilson tweeted this genius thread of how Star Wars characters make their coffee...

How Star Wars Characters Make Their Coffee

May 18 2020

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