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Before & After Cosplay

Before & After Cosplay


You've probably seen Alyson Tabbitha's amazing work around the internet! She gone viral many times for her incredibly transformative makeup and cosplay work, including her Jack Sparrow, Wonder Woman and more! Here's a little bit from her about her love of cosplay... ♥

"One thing I love about cosplay, is the creativity and all the artistic mediums I get to dabble in! It's so cool to me that one day I can be just normal me, then the next a Vampire, or Pirate or anything! Even if it's just pretending. I remember seeing Beauty and the Beast in theaters, and a when Belle first appeared in her yellow dress I overheard a little girl a few rows away, say "Mom, can I be Belle for Halloween? " That warmed my heart because that's simply how it happens, it's just such innocent, pure & fun thing. Playing dress up, to get to be the characters we love for a day. It's a magical escape from our (sometimes harsh) realities. It's also a great way to meet friends that love the same things you do, and a great ice breaker! 🙂 So I really hope these photos show the love and passion I have for what I do, and also show a little bit of how much you can transform yourself with cosplay!"

Before & After Cosplay

Before & After Cosplay

Before & After Cosplay

Before & After Cosplay

Before & After Cosplay

Before & After Cosplay

Before & After Cosplay

Before & After Cosplay

Before & After Cosplay

Cosplayer: Alyson Tabbitha

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December 01 2017

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