Latex Jessica Rabbit
Geek Girls is happy to feature the lovely
Violeteyes wearing an awesome & unique latex Jessica Rabbit costume by
Catalyst Latex! Here's what she had to say about her latex modelling in general (we've got comic book shoots coming soon from here! :D)...
"I'm a big comic book fan and have always made it common knowledge that I love to shoot superhero outfits etc. I'm lucky enough that its inspired a few latex companies who have then booked me to wear them - I have an awesome job! I wear them whenever possible (especially Wonder Woman!) - I have a habit of wearing that under my clothes - not sure if that's my latex fetish or Wonder Woman obsession there though - lets say that one day I will be dressed for a fitting occasion!"
Violeteyes -
Photographer: Dean Wilkinson
Catalyst Latex
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July 31 2013