D&D Nude Photoshoot

D&D Nude Photoshoot


Geek Girl Mistress Zelda is stunning in this sexy Dungeons & Dragons nude photoshoot! Here's what she had to say...

"Kevin and I have been working on an artistic nude series of "Things on skin" for the past year and a half. This is the latest in our series which features my full collection of D&D books and dice! I stuck to only 3.5 books as it's the edition I prefer, although we have a larger collection of AD&D and second edition as well. I want to do another series that features all of my minis and terrain once I get more of it painted!"

D&D Photoshoot

D&D Photoshoot

D&D Photoshoot

Geek Girl: Mistress Zelda - facebook

Photographer: Kevin Mack

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January 16 2017

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