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Gamer Girl Photoshoot

Gamer Girl Photoshoot


Arleen aka Exotika looks gorgeous in her fun gamer girl photoshoot! :D Here's what she had to say...

"Growing up in Miami, Florida, in the 'Orange Bowl' area, my parents were extremely overprotective of me and my sister, as Cubans usually are. The solution, in their eyes, was to get us 'hooked' on video games. GENIUS!! Parenting done right! :D My sister and I would play for hours on end, beginning with the Nintendo, and, eventually, every single system we could get our hand on. In the end, we had an Atari, Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Nintendo 64, Game Cube, Playstation, Playstation 2, etc.. Looking back on those days, they were such treasured moments helping my mom beat Dragon Warrior... or struggling with Adventure Island for NES... (there were no damn endless lives back then, but at least there was the endless continues "bee"). ;) Now, I sit around the Xbox 360 with my boys and chop up zombies on Dead Island. Family time in my house has ALWAYS revolved around game systems. Good, good times."

Gamer Girl Photoshoot

Gamer Girl Photoshoot

Gamer Girl Photoshoot

Model: Arleen aka Exotika

Photographer: Demetrius Morgan aka The BADD Man

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March 31 2016

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