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Sailor Saturn Cosplay

Sailor Saturn Cosplay


Geek Girl Leen Isabel looks beautiful cosplaying as Sailor Saturn from Sailor Moon! She also threw in a couple candid shots because she thought would be nice to give us a realistic look at cosplay life. Here's what she had to say...

"I was torn between cosplaying Sailor Saturn or Sailor Mercury. Both were my favorite scouts growing up! Of course, Hotaru has the badass Silence Glaive & gorgeous crystal on her bow. Visually, she was more interesting to portray. :D Death Reborn REVOLUTION! 死世界変革! I loved cosplaying the Sailor Scout with the power to end the world.

Also at Wondercon that year, I was impressed by the integrity of of this fan. Sometime during the day, I lost one of my gloves. A really cool guy picked it up and searched around for me. I loved that in the geek world, you can look at one piece of clothing and go, "Oh, I know which Sailor Scout that is." Thank you, sir! Wherever you are!
**photo of me w/ guy**

Silence Glaives. Good for putting an end to all of existence... or opening your coke.
**photo of me w/ my buddy + soda! lol**"

Sailor Saturn Cosplay

Sailor Saturn Cosplay

Sailor Saturn Cosplay

Sailor Saturn Cosplay

Sailor Saturn Cosplay

Geek Girl: Leen Isabel - facebook

Photographer: Alan C. Photography

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March 18 2016

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