Noiz from DRAMAtical Murder Cosplay
Wacky Cherry look awesome cosplaying as Noiz from DRAMAtical Murder and she's joined by a few friends as well! Here's what she had to say...
"This is the first group project I had with my dear friend Tenshi, and a first serious cosplay. DMMD project was done for Japanizam 2014. I must say, Noiz is my favorite costume and most precious. It brought me and Tenshi together at first and then Ferasha joined the team as well. After it our cosplay family was growing. If it wasn't for Noiz maybe I wouldn't have met so many people, but more about him you can read on the Blog section of my site. In the video section however, you can see the performance and our DMMD game play video that was suppose to be in the same time as our performance, but because of technical difficulties it wasn't played. Must say I was quite pissed because it took us a month to prepare it and no one ever saw it. (That is why here everyone who visits will see it hehehehe. I did not waste my valuable time for nothing.)
This costume was revisited for Chibicon 2015 and we added Ferasha to the group as Koujaku. Now you can see the DMMD photos and enjoy their full glory!"
Wacky Cherry as Noiz,
Ferasha as Koujaku &
Tenshi as Aoba
Koujaku hairpin & sword:
Endymion Craftsmanship and Cosplay
Ljubica Mirković
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March 18 2016