Amazing Transformers Gear at

Kamehameha! Dragon Ball Z Lamps

Kamehameha! Dragon Ball Z Lamps


Etsy seller LitUpInteriorDesign makes amazing & unique upcycled repurposed lamps that are truly one of a kind pieces! Our fav epic lamps they offer are made from Dragon Ball Z figures with the large bulb cleverly positioned to resemble the character’s energy attack! Kamehameha!!

Kamehameha! Dragon Ball Z Lamps

Kamehameha! Dragon Ball Z Lamps

Kamehameha! Dragon Ball Z Lamps

Kamehameha! Dragon Ball Z Lamps

Kamehameha! Dragon Ball Z Lamps

Kamehameha! Dragon Ball Z Lamps

Kamehameha! Dragon Ball Z Lamps

Kamehameha! Dragon Ball Z Lamps

Kamehameha! Dragon Ball Z Lamps

By: LitUpInteriorDesign - Etsy Shop

(via: Robot 6)

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February 23 2016

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