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Nariko from Heavenly Sword Cosplay

Nariko from Heavenly Sword Cosplay


Nixxy Cosplay looks beautiful as Nariko from Heavenly Sword and here's a little bit more about her...

"I'm a Toronto based cosplayer - I've honestly been doing cosplay since I was about 15, but the past three years I've been taking it a lot more seriously! Making more and more of my own costumes myself - the penultimate result of that being this costume, Nariko, which was made entirely by me! My facebook page is brand new, as I decided to take my serious love for cosplay to the next step! "

Nariko from Heavenly Sword Cosplay

Nariko from Heavenly Sword Cosplay

Nariko from Heavenly Sword Cosplay

Nariko from Heavenly Sword Cosplay

Nariko from Heavenly Sword Cosplay

Nariko from Heavenly Sword Cosplay

Nariko from Heavenly Sword Cosplay

Model: Nixxy Cosplay

Photographer: Sean's Photography

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October 26 2015

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