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Zero Suit Samus Cosplay

Zero Suit Samus Cosplay


Beged Cosplays looks stunning cosplaying as Zero Suit Samus from Metroid! Here's what she had to say about it...

"Samus is one of my favourite female video game characters. She represents strength, perseverance, and overall bad-assery. Cosplaying her was a dream of mine that finally came true. A lot of trial and error went into making this cosplay, and I'm pretty pleased with the result. I can't wait to make all her variation outfits, and, eventually, her Varia suit!"

Zero Suit Samus Cosplay

Zero Suit Samus Cosplay

Zero Suit Samus Cosplay

Zero Suit Samus Cosplay

Zero Suit Samus Cosplay

Model/Costume: Beged Cosplays

Photographer: Zandragon Photography

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September 06 2015

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