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Batman Villain Bunnies Group Cosplay

Batman Villain Bunnies Group Cosplay


These ladies all look amazing cosplaying as DC bunnies! There's Aurra as Catwoman, Serenity Leigh as Two-Face, Valkyrie Cosplay as Poison Ivy, Babs Cosplay as the Riddler, Manda Cowled Cosplay as the Joker, RK9 Cosplay as the Red Hood, Ray Retro as the Penguin, Ashe Rogue as Mr. Freeze and Geek Girl Purelight Cosplay as Harley Quinn! Serenity said a bit about the shoot...

"This group was such a blast to do at Atomic Lollipop this year. All of the girls looked gorgeous and the costumes were spot on! A Rogues Gallery bunny group had been in the works for a while and we finally got to bring it all together. BatMark did wonderful work considering how hot it was that day, and as always Ailes Noires is fabulous!"

[Click on the group shot for a larger view...]
Batman Villain Bunnies Group Cosplay

Batman Villain Bunnies Group Cosplay

Batman Villain Bunnies Group Cosplay

Batman Villain Bunnies Group Cosplay

Batman Villain Bunnies Group Cosplay

Batman Villain Bunnies Group Cosplay

Batman Villain Bunnies Group Cosplay

Batman Villain Bunnies Group Cosplay

Batman Villain Bunnies Group Cosplay

Batman Villain Bunnies Group Cosplay

Catwoman: Aurra
Ivy: Valkyrie Cosplay
Two-Face: Serenity Leigh
Penguin: Ray Retro
Freeze: Ashe Rogue
Riddler: Babs Cosplay
Red Hood: RK9 Cosplay
Joker: Manda Cowled Cosplay
Harley: Geek Girl Purelight Cosplay (facebook)

Photographers: BatMark & Robin & Geek Girl Ailes Noires (facebook)

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August 22 2015

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