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Kasumi Cosplay

Kasumi Cosplay


We are happy to again feature the beautiful Constantine In Tokyo on Geek Girls. This time she is cosplaying as Kasumi from Dead or Alive! Here is what she had to say about the cosplay...

"After you've been cosplaying and attending conventions for a while, you come to expect impromptu photoshoots to pop up pretty frequently. But every once and a while, you'll end up with some pictures that completely blow away your expectations. During this year's Pacific Media Expo in LA, my friend and photographer Jonathon D. Courtot and I stumbled upon a Japanese garden on the third level of the hotel and snapped a few quick pictures of my Kasumi costume. I wasn't expecting much from the pictures - the location was random and we were mostly just messing around - but I have to admit that these images are now my new favorites! Kasumi is an ultra-classic, popular character and I'm super happy to express my love for the DOA franchise!"

Kasumi from Dead or Alive Cosplay

Kasumi from Dead or Alive Cosplay

Kasumi from Dead or Alive Cosplay

Kasumi from Dead or Alive Cosplay

Kasumi from Dead or Alive Cosplay

Model: Constantine In Tokyo - facebook

Photographer: Jonathon D. Courtot

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January 01 2013

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