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Couple Turned Into Disney Characters for Valentines

Couple Turned Into Disney Characters for Valentines


Amazing boyfriend Brian Flynn did the most adorable thing for Valentine's Day this year. This will be a hard one to ever top and I'm sure his girlfriend was over the moon, we'll just let him explain...

"With the help of artist Dylan Bonner, I turned my girlfriend into a Disney princess for Valentine's Day. My girlfriend Manini and I LOVE Disney movies.

I want our relationship to be as epic and timeless as the animations we grew up on, so I decided to have us painted into some famous Disney scenes and surprise her for Valentines Day. It's been a secret for 3 months, and I can't wait to show her!

I added some real photos at the end if you want to compare the resemblance."

Boyfriend Turns His Girlfriend & Him Into Disney Characters for Valentines

Boyfriend Turns His Girlfriend & Him Into Disney Characters for Valentines

Boyfriend Turns His Girlfriend & Him Into Disney Characters for Valentines

Boyfriend Turns His Girlfriend & Him Into Disney Characters for Valentines

Boyfriend Turns His Girlfriend & Him Into Disney Characters for Valentines

Boyfriend Turns His Girlfriend & Him Into Disney Characters for Valentines

Boyfriend Turns His Girlfriend & Him Into Disney Characters for Valentines

Artist: Dylan Bonner - tumblr - deviantart

Source: Imgur

(via: Zimbio)

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February 14 2015

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