The Bride from Kill Bill Body Paint

The Bride from Kill Bill Body Paint


Geek Girl Shelle-chii did another amazing body paint photoshoot, this time she is Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride from Kill Bill! Here's what she had to say...

"Kill Bill is one of those movies that stuck with me growing up. I watched it as part of my sweet sixteen birthday party, so that coupled with how amazing the movie is definitely made it stick in my mind. I love fighting scenes and blood, so these movies are definitely up my alley. Since I started body paint I always thought this would be a really cool look to do, so I was really happy when ArtistiCurves said he would help bring this concept to life. I also love the added blood we did later on in the shoot!!"

The Bride from Kill Bill Body Paint

The Bride from Kill Bill Body Paint

The Bride from Kill Bill Body Paint

The Bride from Kill Bill Body Paint

The Bride from Kill Bill Body Paint

Geek Girl: Shelle-chii - facebook

Photographer/Body Painter: ArtistiCurves

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December 20 2014

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