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Forsworn from Skyrim Cosplay

Forsworn from Skyrim Cosplay


Yelaina May Cosplay looks completely awesome as a Forsworn from the videogame Skyrim! Here's what she had to say...

"I made this cosplay entirely myself in about 2 months. I made the axes from PVC pipe, foam and Worbla then wrapped them in leather lacing. I made all parts of the costume myself including the "bra" and undergarments, even the shoes! I really enjoyed the challenge of working with a ton of different materials and trying out a bunch of different techniques. "

Forsworn from Skyrim Cosplay

Forsworn from Skyrim Cosplay

Forsworn from Skyrim Cosplay

Forsworn from Skyrim Cosplay

Model: Yelaina May Cosplay

Photographer: anonymous, Edited by Yelaina

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September 28 2014

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