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They See Me Trollin'

They See Me Trollin'


Danielle Kennedy Article by: Danielle Kennedy

Danielle is back, this time addressing one of the most important topics of our time... trolling on the internet.

As we enter an online era of society, new innovative products and services help us access others worldwide. As a result of that access people can find all different personality types, opinions and cultural differences. While everyone is entitled to their opinions there are a few among us; "trolls" who try to divert online discussions into negative, generally off-topic comments that are anti-social. This definition has to take into account the true intent of the person trolling. There are some cases where people who don't see themselves as trolls but they disrupt the conversation just as effectively as trolls that purposefully try to. Although intents are different generally the same results are produced. Reasons why people troll are as follows:

Troll Face • For the lulz
• Power (feeding arrogance and the power to disrupt)
• Emotional attachment to a political/social/ideology they need to vent about
• Jealousy
• Immaturity
• An attempt to destroy someone or something they dislike

Trolling is never going to stop. People have trolled others long before the internet was created and now have access to do it at their fingertips and any time they so please. There are a few ways of stopping specific trolls, (such as blocking them, moderating their comments etc) however the art of trolling will not go away.

Try not to take things people say on the internet too seriously, verify that it is a professional website before you believe it and always check the facts. If you are easily offended you probably should try to avoid social media sites, forums and websites that are offensive to you and/or the internet in general.

Danielle Kennedy
Entertainer, GeekxGirls

PS. Please feel free to troll this article.

Nyan Cat Troll Face no bro no bro no bro

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May 8 2012

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