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Lulu Final Fantasy Cosplay

Lulu Final Fantasy Cosplay


Our lovely Geek Girl Jillian Ryan look amazing coslaying as Lulu from Final Fantasy! Here's what she said about making this cosplay...

"Hardest costume I have -ever- made. The "lace" patterns are all done by hand. I had to take screenshots and compile the images together and alter them multiple times in hope of getting it right, tons of trial and error. Dress pattern made by the deconstruction method since I could not find a pattern that would be suitable in good time. The belt skirt made by hand as well from the base of a -severely- edited hoop skirt and then built up from there. Wig was cut and styled and all ornaments in the hair were made by hand as well as the jewelry around the neck and earrings. Moogle was interesting to make, first stab I had taken at making a stuffed animal. Super difficult to make and rather heavy but.... I actually did it! Making of steps can be found on my public page."

Lulu Final Fantasy Cosplay

Lulu Final Fantasy Cosplay

Lulu Final Fantasy Cosplay

Lulu Final Fantasy Cosplay

Lulu Final Fantasy Cosplay

Lulu Final Fantasy Cosplay

Geek Girl: Jillian Ryan - facebook

Photographers: Mike Kowalek of EleventhPhotograph, Cozpho Photography & Sam of SF Design
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April 03 2014

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