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Jessica 6 Logan's Run Cosplay

Jessica 6 Logan's Run Cosplay


Artist Genevra looks beautiful in her Jessica 6 cosplay. This is the first Logan's Run cosplay we've ever seen so it's awesome and original, here's what she said about it...

"I wanted to cosplay Jessica 6 from the 1976 film “Logan’s Run” based on the novel of the same name. If you’re a Sci-Fi geek, you know this is one of those staple classic Science Fiction movies you MUST see. Though a lot of the costumes in the film are very simple and plain, I find Jessica’s robe to be extremely sexy. It’s basically one cut of very short fabric draped over her body with no undergarments, connected with only a metal linked belt. As easy as it seems it was quite a pain to acquire the correct looking fabric and then strategically cut and sew the holes so they would fit my body in all the right places. I did my own twist on her Ankh collar, finding linked metal to match the belt so much better. Soft lighting and J.J. Abrams styled lens flares really helped the futuristic look."

Jessica 6 Logan

Jessica 6 Logan

Jessica 6 Logan

Jessica 6 Logan

Model: Artist Genevra

Photographer: Divine Distractions Entertainment

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January 15 2014

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