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Poison Ivy Cosplay

Poison Ivy Cosplay


DreamKitty Cosplay looks gorgeous cosplaying as Poison Ivy and here's what she had to say...

"Poison Ivy is a cosplay I keep returning to and never seem to be satisfied with. This is the third time I've remade her and frankly I'm already having some ideas for the next time. ;) I love cosplaying Ivy because she's sexy and confident. We originally started this shoot outside at the local park, but it was actually a windy and horrible day. Luckily, we got permission to move the shoot into the local comic book shop!"

Poison Ivy Cosplay

Poison Ivy Cosplay

Poison Ivy Cosplay

Poison Ivy Cosplay

Poison Ivy Cosplay

Cosplayer: DreamKitty Cosplay

Photographer: Mandichu

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February 12 2020

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