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Princess Tomoyo from Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle Cosplay

Princess Tomoyo from Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle Cosplay


AnnieChie Designs looks lovely cosplaying as Princess Tomoyo from Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle and here's what she had to say...

"I made this costume over the course of 2019, to debut in the summer time. Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles is a series I absolutely fell in love with once my friends convinced me to read the manga. When I mentioned wanting to cosplay Tomoyo my friends all jumped at the opportunity to put together a full Tsubasa cosplay group. This costume has some of my cleanest sewing work to date and allowed me to practice with things like wig work and foam clay. I enjoyed every step of making this costume and look forward to wearing it again. When I moved to Ottawa, my friend Gaba/Golden Panda Bear Photography and I decided the fall time would be the best time to shoot some solo Tomoyo photos, and am I ever glad we did. Gaba made me look absolutely majestic."

Princess Tomoyo from Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle Cosplay

Princess Tomoyo from Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle Cosplay

Princess Tomoyo from Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle Cosplay

Princess Tomoyo from Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle Cosplay

Cosplayer: AnnieChie Designs

Photographer: GabatheGeek/Golden Panda Bear Photography

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February 04 2020

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