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Anti Summer Fan Art Cosplay

Anti Summer Fan Art Cosplay


Harley Kat Cosplay looks wonderfully witchy in this fun photoshoot based on fan art (seen below) and here's what she had to say about it...

"I could carve how much I love the art of Abe Lopez into the side of a mountain and it probably wouldn't be loud enough. I love walking through the artist alleys at conventions but I don't think I could tell you what piece was the first one I ever saw from an artist except Abe. I've cosplayed several of his illustrations over the years but one of my favorites is the "Anti" Summer design he did with Not Your Ghoulfiend. It is 1000% my natural ascetic and mood during Summer as I wait for my beloved Autumn. In fact I'm basically dressed like the character as I write this. Give me a rummage through my closet and quick trip to the craft store and this witch-y babe was brought to life thanks to the help of Dat-Roshi Cosplay. Matt did an amazing job of capturing the image and then just bringing a natural sense of fun to the shoot.  It really can be the little things that remind you how fun cosplay can be. It doesn't need to be big or complex just something that brings you joy."

Anti Summer Fan Art Cosplay

Anti Summer Fan Art Cosplay

Anti Summer Fan Art Cosplay

Anti Summer Fan Art Cosplay

Anti Summer Fan Art Cosplay

Anti Summer Fan Art Cosplay

Cosplayer: Harley Kat Cosplay - instagram

Based on art by: Artist Abe / Not Your Ghoulfiend

Photographer: Dat-Roshi Cosplay - instagram

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October 31 2019

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