Amazing Transformers Gear at

Poison Ivy Cosplay

Poison Ivy Cosplay


Valerie Cosplays looks gorgeous cosplaying as Poison Ivy! ♥ Here's what photographer Van Hoogstraten fotografie had to say...

"Valeriecosplay never fails to impress with her beauty and her cosplays, but it's her smile and goofiness that makes her a dear friend. So when she asked to shoot her custom made Ivy, you just have to find a location that's perfect for her, so we shot these in the oldest botanical gardens in the Netherlands."

Poison Ivy Cosplay

Poison Ivy Cosplay

Poison Ivy Cosplay

Poison Ivy Cosplay

Poison Ivy Cosplay

Poison Ivy Cosplay

Poison Ivy Cosplay

Poison Ivy Cosplay

Cosplayer/Model: Valerie Cosplays

Photographer: Van Hoogstraten fotografie

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October 13 2019

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