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Crysta from FernGully: The Last Rainforest Cosplay

Crysta from FernGully: The Last Rainforest Cosplay


Ginny Di looks absolutely fantastic cosplaying as Crysta from FernGully: The Last Rainforest! The costume was made and modelled by her and she shot and edited these whimsical self-portraits as well... ♥

Crysta from FernGully: The Last Rainforest Cosplay

Crysta from FernGully: The Last Rainforest Cosplay

Crysta from FernGully: The Last Rainforest Cosplay

Crysta from FernGully: The Last Rainforest Cosplay

Crysta from FernGully: The Last Rainforest Cosplay

Costume/Model/Photographer: Ginny Di

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September 26 2019

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