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Spider-Man Cosplay

Spider-Man Cosplay


Forever Young Studio shot this wonderful Spider-Man cosplayer and here's what they had to say...

"Ever since she was just a toddler Caityfay has loved Spider-man. When I offered her the opportunity to do another cosplay and asked her what she wanted to do she immediately said Spider-man. So we got the suit, and despite the trouble with some rain and a broken zipper we still got some great shots. We had a great time and even ran into some Spideyfans on the street! Can't wait to shoot with Caity again!"

Spider-Man Cosplay

Spider-Man Cosplay

Spider-Man Cosplay

Spider-Man Cosplay

Spider-Man Cosplay

Spider-Man Cosplay

Cosplayer: Caityfay

Photographer: Forever Young Studio - website

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September 23 2019

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