Amazing Transformers Gear at

Shego from Kim Possible Cosplay

Shego from Kim Possible Cosplay


Christina looks awesome cosplaying as Shego from Kim Possible in these photos shot by Paul Hillier Photography! Here's what she had to say...

"This was my first debut of my Shego cosplay. I was sick during Yeti Con and there was a rainstorm happening the evening our shoot was scheduled however we shot anyways (plus I think being sick actually helped me look more pale for this cosplay)! We took a quick break at Starbucks (because what evil villain isn't fueled by coffee) and when we went back outside the weather had started to clear up! It was fun working with Paul and he did such an awesome job capturing these photos."

Shego from Kim Possible Cosplay

Shego from Kim Possible Cosplay

Shego from Kim Possible Cosplay

Shego from Kim Possible Cosplay

Shego from Kim Possible Cosplay

Shego from Kim Possible Cosplay

Shego from Kim Possible Cosplay

Cosplayer: Christina

Wig: Arda Wigs
Suit Pattern: Brandon Gilbert / Arachnid Studios
Suit Printed by: The RPC Studio

Photographer: Paul Hillier Photography

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August 22 2019

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