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Umbrella Academy Group Cosplay

Umbrella Academy Group Cosplay


Forever Legends Cosplay did this amazing Umbrella Academy group cosplay and here's what they had to say...

"Our Umbrella Academy Group Cosplay is a hybrid of the original Comic Characters mixed with the Netflix Series. Our Group is Forever Legends and we love bringing group cosplays to life as well as performing as live characters for themed events. Our team includes a cast of unique and incredibly talented artists who bring something special to every project we do. We chose The Umbrella Academy because half of our cosplayers love the comics and the other half discovered the show and fell in love. In person it's easier to see why our group embraced this dysfunctional family of superheroes; with out Luther Hargreeves standing almost seven feet tall in real life, our Diego Hargreeves being a skilled stunt performer, our Grace Hargreeves being the very definition of beauty and poise, and many of our other cosplayers totally embracing their characters down to every little detail."

Umbrella Academy Group Cosplay

Umbrella Academy Group Cosplay

Umbrella Academy Group Cosplay

Umbrella Academy Group Cosplay

Umbrella Academy Group Cosplay

Umbrella Academy Group Cosplay

Umbrella Academy Group Cosplay

Umbrella Academy Group Cosplay

Cosplayers: Forever Legends Cosplay

Photographer: Divine Distractions Photography

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May 28 2019

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