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Fantasy Photoshoot

Fantasy Photoshoot


This wonderful original character fantasy group shoot features Geek Girl Jennifer Maillet, Hexcelle, Skyleaf Creations, Megan Murray Cosplay and T.H.E Invasion. Here's what Jenn had to say about it...

"Every few months the Cosplay Club Ontario gets together and does a themed original character shoot. 

We pick a theme, and then go off and create our own characters and costumes. We vote on a date and location for the shoot and then we meet up with 3-5 photographers and have a fun day of shooting.

It's a lot of fun we started out with 6 members and now have over 100. We have lots of shoots planned throughout the year and meet anywhere from once every 2 months to 3 times in one month.

We always welcome new members so if you're in Ontario and want to be apart of the group feel free to join."

Fantasy Photoshoot

Fantasy Photoshoot

Fantasy Photoshoot

Fantasy Photoshoot

Fantasy Photoshoot

Fantasy Photoshoot

Fantasy Photoshoot

Fantasy Photoshoot

Fantasy Photoshoot

Fantasy Photoshoot

Fantasy Photoshoot

Fantasy Photoshoot

Cosplayers: Geek Girl Jennifer Maillet, Hexcelle, Skyleaf Creations, Megan Murray Cosplay & T.H.E Invasion

Photographer: Simon Varlow, Ed Ng & OOC Photography

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December 12 2018

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