Amazing Transformers Gear at

Scarecrow Cosplay

Scarecrow Cosplay


LadyDragon Creations looks totally badass cosplaying as her Scarecrow, inspired by the Batman character! Here's a little bit about her...

"Bio: Lisa Anderson-Kleckner began cosplaying in March of 2014. She loves creating the costumes and meeting new friends at cons. She has created nearly two dozen outfits for friends and family in her first year, and she has taken home several awards for her creations. You can check out more of her work and keep in touch with her at her new website."

Scarecrow Cosplay

Scarecrow Cosplay

Scarecrow Cosplay

Scarecrow Cosplay

Scarecrow Cosplay

Scarecrow Cosplay

Scarecrow Cosplay

Scarecrow Cosplay

Scarecrow Cosplay

Scarecrow Cosplay

Scarecrow Cosplay

Scarecrow Cosplay

Model: LadyDragon Creations - instagram - website

Photographer: Killer Pom Production & Design - instagram - website

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September 30 2015

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