COD Fangirl Photoshoot

COD Fangirl Photoshoot


Tiffany Smith looks lovely in her COD fangirl shoot! :D Here's a bit more about her...

"When people look at me they don't usually associate me with video games and other "geeky" things. I love to play Call of Duty and Modern Warfare. When people find out that I play their very next question is "Are you good?" which always makes me laugh. No I suck, but do you have to be some epic video game God to enjoy playing? I did this as a shout out to those of us who don't have YouTube channels dedicated to their awesomeness or tons of fans. For those who love to play but may not have people that love to play with them. It's ok to just have fun playing the game.

I usually play without a mic because of the hate you get when people find out you're a girl and on top of that not a very strong player. And if they know you can hear them and reply they can get pretty verbal.

I can only last the first couple of rounds in Zombies and of course I can't usually find teammates to come play with me either, but it's ok. I just enjoy playing. If I can get a a positive KD ratio I am happy. Thankfully I am not to terrible at all of the games I play. I would like to think I am rather decent at Magic the Gathering. And I love Pokemon.

So here's to those of us who just play to have fun. That put up with the negative comments and slander for the love of the game. "

COD Fangirl Photoshoot

COD Fangirl Photoshoot

COD Fangirl Photoshoot

Model: Tiffany Smith

Photographer: NW Scenescapes

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March 17 2014

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