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When Did This... Become Hotter Than This?

When Did This... Become Hotter Than This?


Oh man I hate these stupid memes that compare different types of women. ALL BODY TYPES CAN BE HOT and ALL WOMEN ARE REAL WOMEN. Shaming thin people is as bad as shaming thick people. Just don't shame people for their bodies, how bout that? /rant ANYWAY, that's why I found this collection of memes poking fun at how ridiculous they are very amusing…

I'm tired of these ridiculous beauty standards for women! How am I ever suppose to grow horns as big as the Triceratops?

I don't see anything wrong with any of these women, they all look great...
Real Women

Real Women

Real Women

Real Women
(via: sopunbelievable)

Real Women
(via: Tyler Jackson)

And finally, seriously, this is what we stand for here at Geek Girls.
Anyone, of any size, shape creed, color, etc. is welcome to submit your work for our site!
All women are accepted and appreciated here (even T-Rex)! ♥
Real Women
(via: Whirligig-a-Gogo)

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January 08 2014

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