Female Titan Body Paint

Female Titan Body Paint


Geek Girl Shelle-chii looks seriously epic as the female Titan and here's what she said about the experience...

"I really enjoyed watching the anime Attack on Titan, and as soon as I saw the Female Titan, I knew I had to cosplay her. It was such a cool concept, and I loved her design over that of all the other special titans in the show. I knew this had to be done as a body paint, and called on the help of the amazingly talented ArtistiCurves to bring this concept to life. Though there was little reference material online at the time, and he had never seen the show, the results were awesome in my opinion. The painting and photoshoot totaled around 5 hours, we also drove to an outdoor location for these beautiful nature shots (we usually shoot in his studio). He did an amazing job with the detailing, and especially with the photography and capturing the moments I was trying to (badly) explain to him as we shot. All in all this is definitely one of my favorite shoots to date =3"

Female Titan Body Paint

Female Titan Body Paint

Female Titan Body Paint

Female Titan Body Paint

Female Titan Body Paint

Geek Girl: Shelle-chii - facebook

Photographer/Body Paint: Jim McAvoy of ArtistiCurves

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October 30 2013

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